Web Design, eCommerce, SEO Services | Cape Cod, Boston, MA

SEO - Search Engine Optimization and Placement Services.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

When your customers use a search engine, like Google or Bing, to search for products and services and relate to your business, will your site appear on the first pages of the search output? If not, your site may as well be "invisible" to your prospective customers. Most customers using a search engine don't go any further than the first couple of search results pages in choosing a company to do business with.

That's what Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or search engine placement is all about. Just a fancy word for designing your website so that customers get to your site when they search for your products or services.

Search Engine Optimization - Webfodder SEO Natural Search Program

Webfodder's "natural search" website tuning program will optimize the design, formatting and content of your site for the target search keywords that your customers will be using to find out about your products and services.

Feature Summary:

  • Webfodder will work with you to identify primary and secondary keywords and phrases for your website that are targeted to match the internet search behavior of your customers.
  • Webfodder will re-design the positioning, content, and density of target keyword phrases in the content of your site and within your web page source code to maximize search engine placement for the target keywords.
  • Webfodder will remove any search engine-unfriendly javascript or frames programming code.
  • Webfodder will re-design the links throughout your site, including your web page header, footer, and navigation bar, and the links within the text content of your site, to support your target keyword phrases.
  • Webfodder will design a "links" page and associated link exchange process and HTML to support reciprocal link exchange programs.
  • Webfodder will re-design your website URL structure to support your target primary keywords on the primary URL landing pages.
  • Webfodder will ensure that your website is submitted to major search engines and directories for indexing.
  • Webfodder will re-design, as necessary, a site map to support rapid and effective search engine indexing.
  • As a part of this service, Webfodder will also provide strategic recommendations for potential addition of content pages, restructuring the site and/or product-catalogue-based automated web page generation for better content positioning. Implementation of recommendations would involve additional cost.
Search Engine Optimization - Custom SEO Design Services

If you have a large online merchant site with hundreds or thousands of products and product categories, Webfodder offers custom database-driven design services to automatically generate seo-tuned static web page output that is seamless to search engines. We will also generate custom project proposals for site with especially competitive keyword phrases or other specific needs. We also provide ad-hoc consulting services at an hourly rate.

Webfodder has a proven track record of achieving high search engine placement for our clients’ primary keyword phrases. Our specialty is correct identification of relevant, high traffic keywords that matches the search behavior of your customers. We use a consistent, highly effective strategy to design websites for increased search engine traffic.




PMB 261
1070 Iyannough Road
Hyannis, MA 02601


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